Tell about your favorite pet – what kind of animal is it? When did you get him/her? Why do you like this pet?
What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime? Why?
Tell about a trip your family took that you particularly enjoyed. Where did you go? What did you see?
What is your favorite movie? Why do you like it? What’s it about?
Tell something you enjoyed doing with your Grandmother or Grandfather?
What is the best Christmas present you received? What is the best one you gave?
What is your favorite thing to play at the park?
If you could have your favorite dinner for your birthday, what would it be?
Tell all about your favorite friend and why they are special to you.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what kind would you choose and why?
Write something nice about your family that they do that makes you happy.
Tell your favorite joke or about something that makes you laugh!
What is a favorite board game or computer game of yours and why do you like it?
If you could watch a video over and over, what would it be and why? What is it about?
Tell about the house you live in. Have you lived anywhere else? If so do you remember the addresses and phone numbers?
Tell about a special Birthday party you’ve had or given or been to.
How do you like being the older, middle, or youngest child? Does it have any particular advantages or disadvantages?
Who is your favorite teacher? Why? Can you remember and tell about a special teacher?
What are you frightened of?
Describe your favorite clothes?
What kind of music do you like? What is your favorite song and why?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Do you have a bicycle? What is it like?
What instrument do you wish you could play and why?
What would you give yourself if you had all the money in the world? What would you give your family?
Where do you go to school, what grade are you in, who is your teacher?
What is your room like? Do you share it with someone? What makes it special to you?
Describe a typical day during the school year.
What is your favorite holiday? How do you celebrate it?
Have you ever been sick and what made you feel better?
What is the most adventuresome thing you have ever done?
Write a want-ad that best describes you if you were for sale!
Tell about your favorite Aunt or Uncle.
Describe your perfect spring day – what do you like to do outside?
Tell about some of the places you have been in your life?
What are your favorite hobbies?
What is your mother’s best trait? Worst? Do you share any of these traits?
What is your father’s best trait? Worst? Do you share any of these traits?
Were you ever in a drama, speech, sports, pep or glee club or activity? Tell about it.
Do you go camping? Tell about your experiences.
How do you feel about school?
Describe a childhood birthday.
What do you think you would like to do when you graduate from high school or college?
What are some of your family holiday traditions?
What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food?
Do you have any household chores? If so, what are they? Which ones do you enjoy the most/least?
Write about some places you have been with your mother.
Write about some places you have been with your father.
Where would you like to go someday and why?
Describe the classes you are taking this year in school. Which ones do you like and which ones don’t you like?
Do you belong to a church youth group? If so what are some of your favorite activities?
Describe the best teacher you ever had.
When are you happiest?
When have you felt lonely?
When do you feel proud?
Which quality best describes your life--exciting, organized, dull--and why?
Which quality do you dislike most about yourself--laziness, selfishness, childishness--and why?
Which place would you most like to visit--Africa,
Which is least important to you--money, power, fame--and why?
Which is most important to you--being popular, accomplishing things, being organized--and why?
Who do you talk to when you have a problem?
Who or what has had a strong influence in your life?
Where would you prefer to be right now--mountains, desert, beach--and why?
Why is it important to be honest?
Why is important to have good manners?
Why is exercise important to someone your age?
Why do you think the rules you must follow are good or bad?
Families are important because...
Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to be famous for?
What do you like to do at recess?
Do you think boys or girls have it easier?
Do you think you have too many chores? If you could choose whichever chores you want, which ones would you prefer to do?
What would you do if everyone in your family forgot your birthday?
If you could travel in a time machine and go any distance into the past or future, where would you decide to go? Why?
What makes your class special?
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
If you could choose any bedtime you wanted, what time would you pick?
Pretend that you were already grown up with children. How would you treat them differently from the way your parents treat you?
Would you like to have an identical twin? What would be the best thing about it? What would be the worst thing about it?
Are you excited to grow up? What does it mean to be "grown-up" and what do you think will be the best thing about it? What about the worst thing?
Save this question for last: How did you enjoy working on this journal this year? Did it help you discover some things about yourself or your past that you had forgotten?
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